Who am i?
I'm Kibet Immanuel Ng'eno, a full-stack web developer
I am a Full-stack Web Developer based in Nairobi, Kenya with a passion for creating beautiful and functional websites and applications. With two years of experience, I am dedicated to delivering exceptional web applications and everything in between. I specialize in JavaScript and TypeScript, and have expertise in various technologies including React, Redux, Node.js, Express, Ruby, Rails, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL.
Kibet Immanuel Ng'eno
Nairobi, Kenya
My Projects
Moringa Alumni
Connect with fellow developers and hire talent
A full stack web, fully responsive web application that allows developers to interact, connect as well as share their after Moringa school success stories. Built using HTML, Tailwind CSS, Flexbox, NextJs, React-redux, React-query, Ruby on rails. Fully responsive. Built using HTML, Tailwind CSS, Flexbox, NextJs, React-redux, React-query, Ruby on rails. Fully responsive.
Explore movies and tv shows
A full stack web application that allows users to explore movies and tv shows. Developed using ReactJs, NextJs, Tailwind CSS, Material UI, Grid, Flexbox, and Firebase.Utilized the TMDB API to fetch data and display information about movies and TV shows.
Signup and get certified tutors
A landing page platform that enables students to interact with professional tutors of their choice. Programmed using HTML, CSS, ReactJs. Fully responsive.
Right here, book your resort, restaurant and airlines on time
A landing page, fully responsive web application that allows users to book services such as resorts and airlines. Developed using HTML5, CSS, ReactJs, Material UI, Grid.
Grab yourself some pizza!
A fully responsive single page application that displays the meals available in a restaurant and their cost as well as customer reviews. Programmed using HTML, CSS Grid, Flexbox and ReactJs .Data populated is generated using JSON file.
Prevention is better than cure.
A group project on mental health that aims to curb the mental disorders and illness in the society. One of my first projects as a frontend developer. Programmed with HTML, CSS Grid and Flexbox.
Contact Me
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